If Kiiper shows the status In review when you try to convert your bank statement.
The only reason why Kiiper cannot convert it is because it is the first time that this specific format has been registered in our database. The first conversion will take up to 8 business hours.
A case is automatically generated to be reviewed by our specialists.
If Kiiper shows the status Not convertible when you try to convert your bank statement.
This happens when the imported file is not editable. In other words, it does not have information that can be extracted for conversion.
If Kiiper shows the status In review when you try to convert your bank statement.
The only reason why Kiiper cannot convert it is because it is the first time that this specific format has been registered in our database. The first conversion will take up to 8 business hours.
A case is automatically generated to be reviewed by our specialists.
If Kiiper shows the status Not convertible when you try to convert your bank statement.
This happens when the imported file is not editable. In other words, it does not have information that can be extracted for conversion.